The purpose of the Internal Security Fund (2021 – 2027 planning period) (ISF) is to reach a high level of security in the EU, in particular by preventing and combating terrorism, radicalisation, serious and organised crime and cybercrime, by assisting and protecting victims of crime, and by preparing for, protecting against and effectively managing security-related incidents, risks and crises.


ISF will pursue three specific objectives:

  • to increase the exchange of information among and within the EU law enforcement, and other competent authorities and relevant EU bodies, as well as with non-EU countries, and international organisations;

  • to intensify cross-border cooperation, including joint operations, among and within the EU law enforcement and other competent authorities, in relation to terrorism and serious and organised crime with a cross-border dimension;

  • to support efforts to strengthen capabilities to combat and prevent crime, terrorism and radicalisation, as well as manage security-related incidents, risks and crises, in particular through increased cooperation between public authorities, civil society and private partners across the Member States.


The Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Latvia is the managing authority in Latvia of the ISF 2021-2027 period.


Detailed information about the ISF 2021-2027 period can be found on the website of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Latvia.

VP/IDF/2024/5 “Strengthening the response mobility and anti-terrorism capabilities of the State Police by creating a practical training center”

In order to strengthen the capabilities related to combating and preventing crime and terrorism, a Project is being implemented on strengthening the response mobility and anti-terrorism capabilities of the Latvian State Police by creating a practical trai
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No. EEZ/DSF/VP//2024/2 training for national Police officers to acquire knowledge in the field of collection, analysis and evaluation of evidence used in cross-border computer crime enforcement proceedings

Is to increase the capacity of Latvian police to collect, analyse and evaluate evidence used in the process of combating cross-border computer crime.
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No. EEZ/DSF/VP/2024/3 “Digital investigation support”

Promote partnership between Latvia and Norway and exchange of educational experience in the field of combating cybercrime, as well as establish an effective police cooperation network between the Baltic States and Scandinavian countries
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