INFORMATION ON THE INITIATIVE No. EEZ/DSF/VP//2024/2 “Training for State Police employees to acquire knowledge in the field of collection, analysis and evaluation of evidence used in the process of combating cross-border computer crime” |
Aim |
To increase the capacity of Latvian State Police to collect, analyze and evaluate evidence used in the process of combating cross-border cybercrime. This will increase the detection capabilities of law enforcement agencies, equipping them with knowledge relevant to current threats, which will improve the prosecution of cybercrimes, organized crime and cyber-terrorism. |
Main activities |
During the initiative, online training "Introduction to mobile forensics" and on-site training "Network forensics", "Mobile forensics – second level", "Data science" will be held. |
Co-operation partners |
Norwegian Police University College |
Finances |
143 454 euro |
More information | |