An analysis of the information on personnel as of 30 April 2024 shows that approximately 52% of all employees of the State Police are women.

The most important gender equality legislation, which is binding and is also observed in the State Police, is the Labour Law and the Law on the Service of Officers with Special Service Ranks in the Ministry of the Interior System Institutions and Prison Administration, which establish equal rights to work, fair working conditions and fair remuneration, regardless of gender.

The Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 578 of 17 August 2021 approved the "Plan for the Promotion of Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men 2021-2023"1, the implementation of the measures of which is also carried out by the State Police. The aim of the Plan is to ensure an integrated, targeted and effective policy to promote equal rights and opportunities for women and men. To achieve this goal, three lines of action are set out:

  • Equal rights and opportunities for women and men in the labour market and education;

  • gender-based violence and domestic violence;

  • Strengthening gender mainstreaming in sectoral policies.

The Strategy for the Activities and Development of the State Police 2023-20272, one of the strategic development directions is "Comprehensive and qualitative development of the human resources and services of the State Police". This development priority includes the following measures for all employees, regardless of gender:

  1. a modern, people-oriented work organisation, a high internal culture;

  2. training and development of all staff.

The internal rules of the State Police on matters relating to the remuneration lay down criteria for determining salaries, allowances, bonuses based on equality principles (selection):

  1. Internal Regulation of the State Police No 8 of 24 April 2018 "Regulations on the award of increments and bonuses";

  2. Internal Regulation No 2 of 13 January 2017 "Procedures for determining the monthly salary of officers with special service rank in the State Police and the State Police College".

  3. Internal Regulation No 14 of 17 March 2023 'Procedure for determining the individual salary of a general civil servant, an employee and an official appointed for a fixed period as an employee or general civil servant of the State Police and the State Police College'.

In order to promote work-life balance for employees, Internal Regulation No 10 of 10 October 2021 on the organisation of service (work) contains a number of measures (selection):

  1. employees of the National Police have the possibility to use flexible working time options (remote working, adapted working time);

  2. equal principles have been established in the use of compulsory leave as defined by external legislation, as well as the possibility to take additional leave days (at important times - marriage, graduation, death of a close family member, additional leave for a child in care, annual performance appraisal, etc.).

Candidates are selected for service in the State Police or for vacant senior posts on the basis of equality-based criteria laid down in internal rules (selection):

  1. Order No 2562 of 17 June 2021 "On the selection process for applicants for the vacant senior post of State Police officer with special service rank and Director of the State Police College".

  1. Internal Regulation No 5 of 14 March 2012 'Procedures for the selection and recruitment of candidates to the State Police'.

In order to prevent any form of violence, including gender-based violence, in the workplace, education and information measures are carried out for employees. In case of suspicion of misconduct, the situation is assessed by the Ethics Committee3 of the State Police or by the Internal Control Bureau in accordance with internal regulations. If a crime is suspected, the investigation is referred to the Internal Security Bureau.


1 Plan for the Promotion of Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men:

2 The Strategy for the Activities and Development of State Police 2023-2027:

3 Regulation on the Ethics Committee: